Archives for posts with tag: c-section

This will be a quick post. We arrived home from the hospital after a 4-day stay. We chose to stay an extra night, more for my own sake than for the twins.

We have two boys: Arlo and Felix, and I am totally in love.

I made it to our scheduled c-section date of 38 weeks, 3 days gestation. The boys were both 5 pounds, 10 ounces each. Arlo was born first and is an inch longer at 19 inches. They’re amazing babies, totally perfect in every way. Any worries about echogenic bowel and missing kidneys are distant memories, and the boys are both eating and growing like champs.

Here’s a picture (Baby A is Arlo, Baby B is Felix):


do-do-do-doo, do-do-do-do-doo…

My time being pregnant can now be officially counted in hours. In less than 24, these babies will no longer be inside of me. I don’t know how I feel about that.


Baby A refuses to turn, despite acupuncture, moxibustion, baby spinning, and swimming. This little guy is just too cozy, I guess. C-section is scheduled for tomorrow at 11:30 AM. If I’m honest, I let go of the idea of a vaginal birth a couple of months ago, but that doesn’t make tomorrow any less scary.

I thought I was so tough because, y’know, I’ve had two surgeries already. Yeah…I closely examined my laparoscopy scars yesterday (well, as closely as I could get due to my enormous belly), and realized how teeny tiny they are, and how teeny tiny those surgeries were. Not really comparable to my belly being cut open to pull TWO PEOPLE OUT OF IT.

I’m shitting my pants a little lot.

I’m scared of the surgery, I’m scared of something being wrong with these babies, I’m scared of how much pain I’ll be in afterwards and how I’m going to take care of these little babes. I’m on the verge of tears pretty much 24/7. People keep telling me how excited I must be. Um,,,well,,,once I get over this crippling fear, maybe then I’ll feel excited. Until I know that everyone is okay, I think all I really feel is scared.

I forgot to mention that last week, J had an acute sciatic nerve attack. He injured his back a few years ago resulting in a bulging disc. On Tuesday, though, he woke up to a numb leg and then crippling pain that sent him to the hospital with his mother (a retired nurse–thank goodness she was here!). I sat at home and cried, wondering how in the hell we were going to cope. It was hard enough trying to take care of him while 37/38 weeks pregnant. It seemed impossible to do after a c-section and with newborn twins. My mum will be staying with us, and his family is up for a bit, but still. Too overwhelming for this lady. He’s up and about now, but still in pain. He thinks he can handle sitting with me during the c-section, though. Let’s hope so.

But anyway! Let’s get back to what’s important.

I’m going to be giving birth to two babies tomorrow.




It’s nearly go time, people. Let’s do this!

-Pumped Up Family Van.